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Rare Disease Innovator Briefings

Rare neuromuscular diseases and PROMs: The impact of payer and reimbursement authorities evidence requirements on healthcare solution design: link

A novel valuation model for medical intervention development: link

Patient power – the importance of patients and patient associations in Rare Disease intervention design and validation: link


A common apothecary cabinet – redesigning personalised medicines for Rare and age related diseases: link

A Cloud or a Perfect Storm? Assessing current status and future needs in Digital Health: link


Maximising outputs from early stage collaborations: how to make an optimal international R&D ecosystem organisation: link


2090..or 2020 – the future of regenerative medicine: link

The relevance of reimbursement rates and approved solution applicability on ROI: reassess your risk: link

Addiction to legal products - Tobacco and Alcohol: market assessment and the need to have a functional prevention and treatment strategy. Link


A progress dependent dynamic valuation model for healthcare solution development. Link


Innovation case study (Transvac) – designing an international early stage innovation ecosystem: link

Socioeconomic needs – putting health value before financial gain: link


Frequent indications

 Innovator briefings

Digital Health Solutions 

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